35th EPSO Plant Science Seminar

35th EPSO Plant Science Seminar

15:00 ‐ 16:30

  • Vortragsreihe

Harnessing biosynthetic pathways in plants

Dr Suvi T. Häkkinen, VTT, FI “Chicory as a potential source of bioactive ingredients”

Mr. Benjamin Kogelmann,BOKU, AT “Advanced glycan-modulation in Nicotiana benthamiana”

Dr. Shiqiang Gao, Univ Wuerzburg, DE “Optogeneticsfor plant research”


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to receive the meeting link. BOKU is an institutional member and thus all BOKU members are eligable to register. 

Event location
Online Event
European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO)
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Language: English
Public: Yes
Entrance fee: No