41th EPSO Plant Science Seminar

41th EPSO Plant Science Seminar

15:00 ‐ 16:30

  • Seminar

A barley pan-transcriptome reveals layers of genotype-dependent transcriptional complexity

Miriam Schreiber, The James Hutton Institute, UK
“An introduction to the barley pan-transcriptome and transcriptional variation”

Vanda Marosi, Technical University of Munich, Germany
“Using the barley pan-transcriptome for complex gene network analysis”

Morten Jørgensen, Carlsberg Research Laboratory, Denmark
“A use case study of the barley pan-transcriptome using the FIND-IT population”

Event location
Online Event
European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO)
Registration required
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More information
Event homepage
Language: English
Public: Yes
Entrance fee: No