Contact Persons
DI Elisabeth Denk Head of Project Support Team
Tel.: +43-1-47654-33001
- Pre-award support (european / international programmes)
- Internal pre-submission clearance §27 (european / international programmes)
- Info sessions & trainings on third party funding
- Strategic Support to the Vice Rector
- LEAR Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe
Mag. Tamara Wolf
Tel.: +43 1 47654-33012
In office: Mon 9:00 -16:00, Wed & Fri 9:00 -15:30
- Pre-award support (national funding agencies)
- Internal pre-submission clearance §26, 27 (national funding agencies)
- Support / Webinar "elektronische Projektmeldung" (ePM)
- Research-FAQs
Mag. Sigrid Ranger
Tel.: +43 1 47654-33015
In office: Mon 9:00 -14:00, Tue 9:00 -16:00, Wed & Thu 9:00 -13:00
- Pre-award support (national funding agencies)
- Internal pre-submission clearance §26, 27 (national funding agencies)
Martina Ragoner
Tel.: +43 1 47654-33011
In office: Mon 07:00 -15:00, Tue - Thu 08:00 -12:00
- Young Academics Grants
- Information on national funding programmes (mainly FWF)
- Internal pre-submisssion clearance §26 (mainly FWF)
Stefanie Perl, MA BSc
currently on maternity leave
Lada Fialova PhD MA
Tel.: +43 1 47654-33014
- Pre-award support EU funding programmes (Horizon Europe, COST Actions, )
- Internal pre-submission clearance §27 (Horizon 2020 / EU)
- Support to applicants, focus on BOKU-Coordinators
Olivier Guillaume, PhD
Tel.: +43 1 47654-33018
In office: Mo.-We 07:30-16:00, Fr. 07:30-14:00
- Pre-award support funding programmes (FWF ASTRA, FWF ESPRIT, ERC)
- Internal pre-submission clearance §27