BOKU tecnet/accent Innovation Award 2023

Innovation Award 2023
call no longer valid
tecnet | accent Innovation Award 2023
„Innovation to Market“
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien in cooperation with accent and tecnet equity
For the tecnet / accent Innovation Award 2023 "Innovation to Market" of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna, we are looking for innovative inventions and research results that have the potential for economic development and use. Interested parties are invited to submit their projects in the form of a poster.
For all students (bachelor, master, PhD) and postdocs at all sites of BOKU, as well as young employees of the Vienna University of Technology and the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna with refer to a research topic at the BOKU-site Tulln.
Both basic and applied research projects can be submitted. We are looking for ideas and solutions that can address socially relevant topics such as health, education, mobility or digitization and initiate social benefits.
"Be successful by bringing your valuable ideas into the market"
On the basis of a poster, the participants are to present their research work to a jury, as well as first thoughts on their potential economic / social exploitation.
1st prize: € 1.500
2nd prize: € 1.000
3rd prize: € 500
Submission criteria
A poster in the format A0 with representation of:
1. Brief Description of the Research Project / Invention "What are the results / advantages of the invention?"
2. Product / Service Idea "What could a potential product / service look like?"
3. Market / Customer requirements "For which problem does my product represent a solution?"
4. Implementation steps "What further development steps are required to make the economic
implementation possible?"
declaration of consent of your supervisor
language: german or english
Regardless of whether you are working in basic research or applied research, please do not hesitate to apply for the Innovation Award. It is not required to have a final and sophisticated invention.
Workshop with pitch training
The participants will be prepared for the presentation of their idea to the jury in a training organized by tecnet and accent. The training includes:
Development of the economic challenges (eg customer benefit, steps to the market, competition, target group, etc.)
Pitch and rhetoric training (presentation training)
The workshop will take place on June 06, 2023, from 10:00 - 12:00 a.m.,ONLINE
If required, the workshop can also be conducted in English!
The workshop participants commit themselves to mutual confidentiality!
Presentation to the jury
You have to present your poster to the jury in a 10' speech, followd by a short discussion with the jury members. The presentation and the discuission will be important for the evaluation of your application.
The jury meeting will be announced
Please bring your poster to the jury meeting. The format of the poster has to be A0.
Submission and presentation of the poster to the jury are not considered as Publication! For questions about secrecy and possible conflicts with a possible patenting of their research results, please contact the Technology Transfer Team.
Award ceremony
The prizes are founded by accent and tecnet equity and you can use them freely. If you are applying in a team, the prize will be divided for all your team members. The location is yet to be announced.
time shedule:
Workshop: Tuesday, 06 June, 2023, 10:00 - 12:00 a.m.
Workshop registration: until 02 June, 2023, by email to
Submission poster: 13 September, 2023
Jury meeting: 20 September 2023, Ilse Wallentin Haus, SR24, 09.00 - 12:00 Uhr
Award ceremony: 19 October 2023, Tulln
Further information:
BOKU Forschungsservice / Technologietransfer
Nicole Hochrainer
Tel.: +43 1 47654 33032
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