Project idea - what now? BOKU-relevant European funding programs for applied research – Schulungen der PE
2024W- Overview of objectives, eligible topics and funding conditions of BOKU-relevant European research funding programs in the field of applied research with international (research) partners
- Date
Mon 11 November 2024 09:00AM, until 12:00PM
Adolf-Cieslar-Haus, Schulungsraum (CIES-EG/10)
Peter-Jordan-Straße 70, 1190 Wien
Mon 11 November 2024 09:00AM, until 12:00PM
- Dauer
- 3 hours
- Zielgruppe
scientific staff
Open only for employees
- Veranstalter*in
- Vortragende*r
- Dipl.-Ing. M.A.,Ph.D. Lada Fialova
- Vortragende*r
- Constanze Hartmann
- Voraussetzung
- scientific staff looking for options for joint research projects with international (research) partners in the field of applied research; who are currently or in the near future involved in the preparation of project proposals
Please check before you register: Course description - Kursbeitrag
- kostenlos für Angehörige der BOKU
- Teilnehmer*innenzahl
- 6 bis 17
- Anmeldefrist
- 2024-05-10 bis 2024-11-03
- Reihung
- keine Reihung
You can find more details on the course-page in BOKUonline.