“Localization in Geophysics, Geohazards and Geoengineering” (LOC3G)
LOC3G consists of eight beneficiary partners, including Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU), University of Florence (UNIFI), Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC), Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en la Ingeniería (CIMNE), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (TSNUK), Technical University of Clausthal (TUC), Itasca Consultants GmbH (ITASCA), J. Krismer Handelsgesellschaft GmbH (KRIS); and eight associated partners, i.e., University of Strathclyde (United Kingdom), Monash University (Australia), Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan), Universidad Mayor de San Simon (Bolivia), Tribhuvan University (Nepal), China University of Mining & Technology-Beijing (China), University of California-Davis (United States), PetroVietnam University (Vietnam). IGT BOKU is the coordinator of LOC3G.
LOG3G seeks to advance and share the knowledge of the multiscale and multiphysics modelling of localization phenomena in geomaterials (soils and rocks), with the aim to create cutting-edge predictive models serving the communities in geophysics, geohazards, and geoengineering. We take an integrated approach by combining the diverse expertise of a multidisciplinary consortium, including geological surveys, constitutive modeling and numerical simulations, laboratory tests, and real-world applications such as CO2 storage and geo-resource/energy exploitation. LOG3G will generate lasting impact on the safety and economy in interaction with geomaterials across the disciplines. The ultimate goals are to develop better insight into the complex localization behavior of geomaterials, to provide the researchers and practitioners with the next generation predictive tools, to share and disseminate the knowledge to broad audience by secondment and training beyond the project network, and finally to contribute to the sustainable development of our society.