"Initiation and dynamics of glacial debris flows"
The overarching objective of this research project is to better understand the initiation and dynamic mechanisms of glacial debris flow hazard chains. We will propose an integrated approach, including (i) advanced laboratory experiments and centrifuge modelling tests, (ii) a sound multiphase constitutive model for bridging solid- and fluid-like regimes, and (iii) novel mesh-free numerical simulations. Moreover, this project will also forge new cooperative networks between Austrian and French academic institutions, i.e., IGT BOKU and ISTerre Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB).
Mixtures of rock/soil debris and water-ice are common at cryosphere surfaces in high-latitude and high-altitude regions. Climatic and hydrological factors can cause permafrost degradation, thermal perturbations, heat conduction, and advection in active and deep ground layers, making these regions susceptible to destructive mass movements such as rock-ice avalanches and glacial debris flows. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the initiation, dynamics, and transformation process involved in the chain of debris-ice landslide glacial debris flow, it is essential to simulate the entire event from the moment of initiation to the point of deposition, including the runout and entrainment phases. Therefore, developing a step change in the understanding of the initiation and dynamics mechanisms of glacial debris flows under changing climates is necessary. In this project, such a change would allow researchers and practitioners to produce ground-breaking, new predictive models to study similar geohazards.