Guest professor
08.10.2024 von 16:15 – 18:00 Uhr
Granular media modeled by flexible polyhedra using the virtual element method
Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. mult. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Peter Wriggers, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Granular materials, can be simulated by the discrete element method (DEM). In DEM particles are considered rigid and the only flexibility present in the model is local and formulated for the contacting points. Such treatment might not be adequate when the general flexibility of particles needs to be considered in granular media. In this contribution, we propose a method that introduces flexible particles of general polyhedral shape within the DEM context. In detail, the virtual element method (VEM) is used for the spatial discretization of particles. It allows the discretization of such polyhedra using only one single element with polyhedral shape. Contact between polyhedral particles, which can be non-convex, is addressed by a special master-tomaster contact technique. Furthermore, a barrier-based interface law enforces the contact constraints. Examples include studies of systems of flexible polyhedral particles employed to model a sand-material.
Lecture room: SR-01, Guttenberghaus, Feistmantelstrasse 4, 1180 Vienna
Short Bio:
Professor Dr.-Ing. habil. P. Wriggers studied Civil Engineering at the University Hannover, he obtained his Dr.-Ing degree at the University Hannover in 1980 on “Contact-impact problems”. From 1983-84 he was Visiting Scholar at the UC Berkeley, USA. In 1990 he was appointed as Full Professor at the Institute of Mechanics at TH Darmstadt. In 1998 Prof. Wriggers changed to the Leibniz University Hannover where he held the chairs for Mechanics in Civil Engineering and in Mechanical Engineering. Since April 2022 he is Emeritus Professor at Leibniz Universität Hannover and was awarded the status of “Leibniz Emeritus”. From 2003 to 2004 he held the position of “Linkage Professor” at the University of Newcastle in NSW, Australia. From 2014 to 2021 he was Vice-President for Research of the Leibniz University Hannover.
Peter Wriggers is member of the “Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft”, the Academy of Science and Literature in Mainz, the German National Academy of Engineering “acatech” and the National Academy of Croatia. He was President of GAMM, President of GACM and Vice-President of IACM. Furthermore, he acts as Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal “Computational Mechanics” and “Computational Particle Mechanics”. He was awarded the Fellowship of IACM and received the “Computational Mechanics Award” and the “IACM Award” of IACM, the “Euler Medal” of ECCOMAS, the Grand Prize of the Japan Society (JSCES), the “Zienkiewicz Medal” of the Polish Association (PACM) as well as three honorary degrees from the Universities of Poznan, ENS Paris-Saclay and TU Darmstadt.