Welcome at BOKU Livia!
Livia joins the ILAP-team as a guest-scientist for the next 6 months, working with Thomas Thaler on her PhD research. Since November 2023, Livia has been involved as a PhD student in the EU Horizon project ‘Land4Climate’ and works on the socio-economic co-benefits of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) in agricultural landscapes. Livia holds a Master's degree in Development and International Cooperation Sciences from Sapienza University of Rome and recently she obtained a scholarship for a Ph.D. in Social Sciences and Economics at the same institution. As BOKU is among the partners of the Land4Climate project, she chose to join us in Vienna as a guest researcher: "I hope that my stay in Vienna and the spirit of BOKU can be supportive and motivating both from a professional and human point of view! Thank you for having me here!".