Research Projects
Research Projects at the Insitute of Landscape Planning
RAP - A new radical approach to planning
Project duration: 01/2022-12/2023 Further information
Curricula innovation in climate-smart urban development based on green and energy efficiency with the non-academic sector
Karrierechancen und -pfade von Frauen in der Österreichischen Forst- und Holzwirtschaft – Langzeitstudie
Laufzeit: 01.03.2023-29.02.2028
Functional and Social Area Analysis “Schallmoos West“
Duration: 05.03.2015-01.10.2015
Type of Research: Applied Research
Keywords: Landscape architecture; Urban design; Landscape planning; Urbanism; Functional- and Social Area Analysis; Landscape Planning; Urban Planning; Further information
Combining the Smart-Cities-Initiative and Danube Region Strategy Duration: 01.10.2014-31.03.2015
Type of Research: Applied Research
Keywords: Climate change; Landscape architecture; Urban design; Transport economics; Landscape planning; Spatial research; Urban planning; Environmental policy; Danube Region Strategy; Climate Challenges; Landscape Planning; Sustainability; Smart Cities; Urban Planning; Further information
ActivE Youth - TP ILEN
Duration: 01.10.2014-31.03.2017
Type of Research: Applied Research
Keywords: Sport science; Geoinformatics; Landscape planning; Urban planning; Child research, youth research; Active mobility; GPS Tracking; Adolescents;
Further information web-page
smart2school Ternitz
Children and young adults research their school mobility
Duration: 01.07.2014-31.08.2015
Type of Research: Applied Research
Keywords: Traffic engineering; Land use planning; Urban development planning; Kids and Young Adults; Landscape Planning; Mobility; New Technology; Street engineering; Traffic Planning;
Further information
Sustainable Management of urban green infrastructure
Duration: 01.02.2014-31.12.2015
Type of Research: Applied Research
Keywords: applied geography; residential building; national theory; environmental economics; regional planning; urban planning; landscape planning; Landscape ecology; Open Space Planning ; Landscape Planning; Sustainable Resource Managment; Urban Enviromental Economics; Urban Ecology; Urban Planning; Housing;
Further information
Socio-spatial baseline study for the area of the former Vienna Glacis
Duration: 01.03.2014-31.12.2014
Type of Research: Applied Research
Keywords: Landscape architecture; Landscape planning; Spatial research;Landscape Planning; Master plan; Social area analysis; Vienna "Ring road";
Further information
Gender Impact Assessment in the Context of Climate Change Adaptation and Natural Hazards (GIAClim)
Duration: 01.06.2013-30.07.2014
Type of Research: Applied Research
Keywords: meteorology; torrent and avalanche control; land dedication; regional planning; landscape planning; Landscape ecology; Gender studies; Gender Impact Assessment; Climate Change; Landscape Planning; Natural Hazards; Spatial Development;
Further information
Urban Heat Islands Strategic Plan Vienna
Duration: 01.12.2012-30.09.2014
Type of Research: Applied Research
Keywords: meteorology; land dedication; regional planning; landscape planning; Landscape ecology; Adaptation; Urban Heat Islands;
Further information
Ensuring local supply in municipallities in Burgenland
Duration: 01.07.2012-30.04.2013
Type of Research: Applied Research
Keywords: city-, village redevelopment / innovation; spatial research; city and region analysis; site planning; landscape planning; Village Renewal; Subsidy for rural areas; Community Development; Landscape Planning; Local supply;
Further information
Handbook Gender Mainstreaming in Urban Planning and Urban Development
Duration: 01.08.2011-31.12.2012
Type of Research: Applied Research
Keywords: Knowledge management; city-, village redevelopment / innovation; Gender studies (technical sciences); Gender studies ; urban development program; landscape planning; Gender Mainstreaming; Gender Planning; Landscape and Open Space Planning; Urban Development; Urban Planning;
Further information
Capture Space - Overview of and guideline for functional and socio-spatial analysis of public space (handbook)
Duration: 01.07.2011-31.12.2012
Type of Research: Applied Research
Keywords: cultural geography; traffic planning; sociological methods; landscape planning; interdisciplinary social sciences;
Further information
Women in community policy
Duration: 01.01.2011-31.10.2011
Type of Research: Applied Research
Keywords: Sustainable development, sustainable economics; regional planning; city and region analysis; landscape planning;
Further information
target-group-specific use of augmented reality and web 2.0 in participative traffic planning processes Duration: 01.02.2011-01.02.2013 Type of Research: Applied Research
Keywords: information technology; urban design; traffic planning; regional planning; city and region analysis; landscape planning;
Further information
Effectiveness test of the village renewal program in the federal state Burgenland
- November 2010 - July 2011
- Applied Research
- Keywords: renewable energy, sustainable development, sustainable economics, regional planning, landscape planning, local action groups
Space, cost and energy saving settlement development in the city of Wels
- March 2010 - January 2011
- Applied Research
- Keywords: climatology, urban design, solar achitecture, sustainable development, sustainable economics, land dedication, landscape planning, knowledge management, landscape ecology, Gender studies
Regional planning and development Parndorf
- May 2009 - September 2010
- Applied research
- Keywords: regional development, sustainable economics, civic activism, civic participation, particaptory democracy, equity
GDUS - Gender, Diversity and Urban Sustainability
European seminar on gender-awareness and diversity for urban sustainability
URBAN-NET workshop, GDUS-network
- June 2009 - December 2009
- Keywords: urban sustainbility, knowledge production, theory, gender awareness, diversity
Village Renewal in the municipality Mörbisch am See
- August 2008 - December 2009
- Applied Research
- Keywords: village redevelopment, innovation, land use, regional development, landscape planning
Further information website (only available in German)
Develop space together
Resource-saving settlement development for women and men, young and old persons in the municipality Lengau
- January 2007 - March 2008
- Applied Research
- Keywords: urban design, city redevelopment, land dedication, spatial research, land use, landscape planning, gender planning, sustainable municaplity development
Publications: Damyanovic, Doris; 2009, 'The differentiated view' in landscape planning as a planning based approach for sustainable landscape development. In: Breuste, J.; Kozova, M.; Finka, M., European Landscapes in Transformation. Challenges for Landscape Ecology and Management [European IALE Conference, 2009, Salzburg, Austria] Damyanovic, Doris; 2009, Capacity building in the municipality as a prerequisite for local governance. In: European Consortium on Landscape Economics, First International Conference on Landscape Economics [First Internationa Conference on Landscape Economics, 2009, Vienna, Austria] Further Information
Women and men - on the move
Landscape planing for transport networks in the rural area with a gender perspective
Case study Hermagor/Pressegger See, Carinthia, Austria
- March 2004 - September 2005
- Integrated Project
- Applied Research
- Keywords: gender planning, gender mainstreaming, landscape planning, regional development planning
Publications Damyanovic, Doris; Müller, Gudrun; Schneider, Gerda; Studer, Heide; 2005, Frauen und Männer unterwegs in Hermagor - Pressegger See: Landschaftsplanerisches Projekt zur qualitativen Wegenetzplanung im Sinne von Gender Mainstreaming am Beispiel der Stadtgemeinde Hermagor-Pressegger See. Planerische Bewertung und gendergerechte Beteiligungsverfahren, Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung. Damyanovic, Doris, 2004, Frauen und Männer unterwegs - Leitfaden zur Umsetzung von Gender Mainstreaming in der Wegenetzplanung in Gemeinden am Beispiel der Gemeinde Hermagor Pressegger See, 1, 1, 32, self published. Further information
¿In genero LOCAL¿
Implementation of GM on local level
- October 2006 - December 2007
- Applied research
- Keywords: gender mainstreaming, gender planning, landscape planning, open-space planning, spatial development
Life Quality Of Women And Men In Communities In Rural Areas Regarding Gender Mainstreaming
- January 2006 - February 2008
- Applied research
- Keywords: landscape planning, cultural landscapes, rural development, gender mainstreaming, life quality, regional development
Website (only available in German) Further information
Gender Alp!
Spatial development for women and men. An innovative administration network to assure quality planning practise and to promote gender mainstreaming as a top-down strategy - Interreg III B Alpine Space
- January 2005 - December 2007
- Integrated Project
- Applied Research
- Keywords: land use, landscape planning, gender mainstreaming, regional development
Publications: Damyanovic, Doris; Reinwald, Florian; Schneider, Gerda;2005, Manual for the input of Gender Mainstreaming examples into the good practice database. Gender Alp!. Spatial developement for woman and men.. Interreg III B - Alpinspace, Europäische Union Damyanovic, Doris, 2008, (De)construction of concepts and identities towards gender equality – opportunities for sustainable regional development. In: Universität Umea, Einzelbeiträge, [Nordic Conference on Gender, Intersectionality and Regional Development,, Umea, September 11-12, 2008]
Further information
Management plan of openspace and landscape for the municipality Pero
- February 2005 - March 2006
- Applied research
- Keywords: urban planning, urban development, landscape planning, open space planning
The quality of life in three dwelling houses in Graz (Styria)
Expert opinion on structural, socio-economic, imaginary and symbolic organisation
- May 2002 - November 2002
- Expert opinion
- Keywords: open space planning, landscape planning, landscape theory, urban design, urban development
This page was last modified on september 3rd, 2015