Paving Design Award 2015
Paving Design Award 2015
The Paving Design Award is part of an interdisciplinary course for Master students. It is a collaboration of different Institutes and available for two Master programms (Landscape Planning and Landscape Architecture as well as Civil Engineering and Water Management). The project was supported by Forum Qualitätspflaster – FQP.
Task was to redesign the public space and make it more pedestrian friendly. Project area was the village Edelstal. A jury selected the best works.
The best project is supposed to be realized.
Entwurfsworkshop - Design Workshop 852.304 (ILA)
DI Julia Backhausen-Nikolić, Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur
DI Dr. Roland Tusch, Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur
Objektplanerisches Projekt
DI Dr. Anita Drexel, Institut für Ingenieurbiologie und Landschaftsbau
DI Joachim Kräftner, Institut für Ingenieurbiologie und Landschaftsbau
Konstruktives Projekt
DI Dr. Michael Meschik, Institut für Verkehrswesen
See also Selected works of students