Teaching at IRUB
We impart a basic Understanding of Spatial Planning
It is our aim to impart a basic understanding of spatial planning in the subjects of spatial planning, environmental planning and land rearrangement to our students. They should be enabled to comprehend “space” in its manifold interrelations and systemic relations, to gain insight into decision-making and implementation processes in spatial planning, to get to know planning and testing instruments, to understand the importance and dynamics of spatially relevant processes as well as to correctly assess the possibilities of steering by spatial planning instruments while taking the factual and value level into consideration and interrelating these levels in a methodologically sound way.
Due to spatial planning’s cross-disciplinary nature we view it as our duty to highlight the points of contact with other BOKU-subjects.
In our Teaching we are committed to a Sustainable Spatial Development
In scholarly debate we make a point of placing emphasis on sustainable spatial development and its management by instruments of spatial planning. This is achieved on the one hand by our cross-disciplinary and system related approach and on the other hand by conveying scientific work and planning methods and by applying in practice. Thereby as well as by defining studies related core areas we prepare our students for a career in spatial planning, environmental planning and/or land rearrangement or else to represent these subject areas in neighbouring occupational fields.
There are only few fields of study, including landscape planning and landscape architecture, which qualify the students to acquire the competences relevant to spatial planning, such as the examination to become a certified civil engineer. Our content of teaching enables students of landscape planning and landscape architecture to competently work in the field of spatial planning.
Students of civil engineering and water management understand spatial planning’s importance for infrastructure planning and know the points of contact between spatial planning and transport planning, urban and industrial water management, energy supply and natural hazards risk management.
Students of environment and bio-resources management are aware of the importance of spatially relevant basic information and spatial planning regulations for socio-economic development processes as well as for the use and protection of natural resources.