Continuing Education
Continuing education is a crucial aspect for the “3rd Mission” of Universities, i.e. the question, in what way Universities can develop societal relevance. Continuing education is an important way of exchanging knowledge. In this context IRUB follows the concept of “customized education programmes” according to the principles of “Action Research”.
The offered courses in continuing education are tailor-made to suit the needs of a “community of practice”: (1) first of all a vision is developed together wirh this community, (2) it is analysed whether the knowledge base of the community is sufficient to fulfil this vision, (3) and if not, the respective demand for continuing education is identified and (4) the corresponding courses are offered.
It is not the aim to be able to repeat the course as many times as possible or to have the highest possible number of participants, but rather to focus on the needs of the target group. When a course has fulfilled its purpose, it is discontinued and if applicable it is adapted and offered again at another time, in a different location and thematic context.
Exemplary Publications
Peer, V., Stoeglehner, G. (2013): Universities as change agents for sustainability - framing the role of knowledge transfer and generation in regional development processes. Journal of Cleaner Production 44: 85-95.