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PHD-THESIS in progress:
The evolution and wider impacts of individuals’ decision mechanism towards Super-Apps
editor: M. Rizki, advisor: Y. Susilo
Systemorientierte Erstellung von Ähnlichkeitsprofilen (Finden von Gleichartigkeiten) als erweiterte Methode der örtlichen Unfalltypenforschung für Einsätze bei Road Safety Inspections und Wissenstransfer für Road Safety Audits
editor: C. Müller, advisor: E. Pfleger, J. Stark, Eichinger
Govemance-related driving forces, barriere and dynamics in the implementation process of local mobility services in Austria - a Causal Loop Diagram and govemance network theory-based analysis
editor: V. Batiajew, advisor: A. Gühnemann
Mobility as a Service - Analysis of behavioural factors underlying the use and adoption of innovative mobility services based on the use case of the integrated mobility service app Wegfinder at Korneuburg, Austria
editor: J. Schilder, advisor: Y. Susilo; J. Stark
The impacts of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and mobility hubs´design and locations to the travel demand
editor: Y. Chrisnawati, advisor: Y. Susilo
Impacts of Digitaliation on Transportation to equity and sustainability at the system level
editor: S. N.Fuady; advisor: Y. Susilo
The influence of multi-functional time use as a passenger in public transport or autonomous vehicles on the Travel Time Budget - A System Dynamics analysis using an adapted Metropolitan Activity Relocation Simulator (MARS) model
editor: L. Hartwig, advisor: A. Gühnemann; Winckler
Potential Pathways towards a sustainable mobility system in reference to transition theories and currently accelerated innovation cycles
editor: N. Spiegel, advisor: A. Gühnemann, Riefler
Wie benutzerfreundlich ist die STVO
editor: B. Reiter, advisor: G. Sammer
Modelling Car Purchase Decision
editor: Ch. Link, advisor: G. Sammer
Einsatz des "bewerteten Längsprofils" zur Beurteilung der Ebenheit von Fahrbahnen
editor: R. Spielhofer, advisor: G. Sammer