CV Michael Meschik
Michael MESCHIK, Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.
- AHS BG/BRG Villach Peraustraße, 1970 - 1978, school leaving examination: 1978
- Civil Engineering and Water Management 1978 - 1986, degree 20.06.1986
- PHD Degree 1992 (with honours)
- 1986 research assistant at the Institut for Geotechnik und Verkehrswesen, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
- since 1986 senior researcher at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Science Vienna (BOKU)
- since 1997 outside activity, own small business (KEG), focusing on studies for large vehicle swept paths.
Membership in scientific networks:
- Forschungsgemeinschaft Strasse und Verkehr (Austrian Road and Transport research organisation FSV); head of the working group “mobility management”, member of several other working groups.
- German
- English
Other Activities:
- Lectures at adult education centres
- Lecturer at the Tecnical Academy Wuppertal 1990 - 1993
- Lecturer at the college of higher education "Fachhochschule Technikum Wien", Vienna 2002 - 2005