852304 Design workshop

Project course
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Offered in
Wintersemester 2022/23
Languages of instruction


Redesigning Vienna’s urban soil metabolism. A landscape urbanism project.

Climate change, rising temperatures and extreme events, the constant growth of human settlements, and increasingly threatening environmental challenges are currently defining new socio-economic and environmental conditions. Today, Urban and Landscape Design have acquired a new meaning and urgency to address these challenges, having the relationship between Design Space and Life at its core.
Engaging with notions of transformation, reuse, regeneration, reparation, and transition of habitats and ecologies, they consider soils a resource providing a “wide range of ecosystem services” to human and non-human habitats.
The 2022 design workshop course aims to re-conceptualize the relationship between the city and its soils, revising the idea that the built environment merely represents a threat to the natural environment. The metropolitan territory of Vienna will be tested as a case study.
Today extended urban formations made by a strong co-penetration of urban and natural realms characterize increasingly vast swathes of land in the Viennese context. In Vienna, the renewed ratio between built and open space, permeable and impermeable surfaces, opens up a wide range of questions where the role of soil becomes increasingly crucial and strategic.
The course explores the soils of the Metropolitan area of Vienna as an occasion for critical and imaginative investigation.

Previous knowledge expected

The workshop is open to students of the Master programme Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning.
Expected skills are knowledge of designing, CAD, GIS and techniques for visualization.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

After the course, the students will be able to:
- Identify the four central methods (system mapping, selecting leverage points, ideate solutions, and contextualise solutions) of systemic design;
- Apply a systemic design process to their study area.
- Critically reflect on their design process;
- To operate and integrate design and systemic thinking in a situated learning environment in relation to the involved research groups national and international (research) projects.
- To construct cross-disciplinary and holistic ecological design strategies and approaches
To prepare students to address the most urgent issues in design offices, governmental departments and research environments
-develop a critical and reflective attitude towards the current urbanism practice.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.