934302 Applied development research I

Lecture and seminar
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Offered in
Wintersemester 2022/23
Languages of instruction


This interdisciplinary course focuses on lessons learned from applied development research projects and their potential contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals SDGs (e.g. zero hunger, poverty reduction, food security, clean energy or sustainable natural resource management).
Beside case studies and examples from current BOKU research projects in the Global South, external experts (e.g. stakeholders, administration, decision makers or NGOs) will illustrate how research for development and their projects are implemented into practice. Based on this and on a “call for application”, you will draft and present a research for development project from your perspective.
-Step 1 Experience from practice: BOKU researchers and external experts share experiences about working in the Global South.

-Step 2 Building blocks of a research for an applied SDGs development project: From development challenge to research question to a sound project proposal.

-Step 3 Practical team work: small groups of students develop stepwise their own applied development project based on your lessons learnt during the course.

-Step 4 Implementation and final presentation: Finally, students present their proposals to a selection board. The best selected proposals will be honoured and get the opportunity to present their work to a broader audience. A public conference, that will be announced.

Previous knowledge expected

Genuine interest in development research

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

After this lecture, the students will be able:

# to understand current principles and practices in research for development with the potential to contribute to the SDGs.
# to draft a research for development project from project idea to research question to a basic implementation plan.
# to create different trans- and interdisciplinary approaches to translate theoretical development research ideas into practical research proposals and to relate their own scientific discipline and research interest to the SDGs.
# to evaluate different styles of research proposals for applied development.
# to present their own research ideas to a wider audience.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.