854104 Theory and methods of landscape planning

Lecture and seminar
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Offered in
Wintersemester 2022/23
Languages of instruction


The course gives an introduction into traditional and critical theories and methods in landscape planning. It aims at encouraging critical, reflexive thinking and finding planning solutions based on critical theories applying methods from human-, empirical- and evidence-based science.


Previous knowledge expected


Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

- To learn about and reflect on the methodical "tools of the trade" of landscape planning on the basis of planning examples including inventories / mappings, structured comparison of data and information and their interpretation, derivation of planning models and planning measures, hermeneutic contextualization’s.

- The students will be able to differentiate between traditional, critical (Horkheimer/Adorno) and feminist theories.

- They will gain an initial insight in the landscape planning practice (among others Hülbusch, K.H./Hülbusch, I.M.; Hirschfeld, Wittfogel, Harvey, Werlhof, Mies, Bennholdt-Thomsen, Libreria delle donne di Milano).

- They will gain basic knowledge of traditional, inclusive post-modern argumentation patterns and their underlying theories and their choice and application of methods, e.g.: "The myth of improving", "the intervention-compensation construct", the protective metaphor, the postulate of the non-judgemental etc.

- They students know the theoretical background and main steps of a structuralist analysis in landscape planning and know the differences between the real, imaginary and symbolic layers of landscapes; they understand how an structuralist analysis can contribute to planning solutions.

You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.