816359 Hydrological field studies
- Type
- Practical course
- Semester hours
- 3
- Lecturer (assistant)
- Visintin, Peter , Koch, Franziska , Mehdi-Schulz, Bano
- Organisation
- Offered in
- Sommersemester 2024
- Languages of instruction
- Englisch, Deutsch
- Content
In this course, results of hydrometric measurements are analysed in connection with climate and remote sensing data in a small catchment area. Runoff, soil and vegetation measurements as well as spatio-temporal analyses of freely available data pertaining to climate, runoff, soil, vegetation and remote sensing will be carried out. The significance of point measurements and the heterogeneity of parameters in the study area will be analysed. In addition, meterological and hydrological measuring points set up in the area will be visited and discussed.
The hydrological catchment to be investigated is located in the Rosalia area (approx. 1 hour south-east of Vienna). The course consists of 2 seminar dates (1st date on April 29, 14-15:30 p.m.), 2nd date on May 14, 9-12 a.m.) in the seminar room, as well as a 3-day stay in the Rosalia (22.-24.5.).
- Previous knowledge expected
Hydrological contents of the B.Sc. program and, if possible, previous / parallel participation in the courses 'Hydrology and Water Management 2' or 'Hydrological Processes and Modelling'. Good knowledge of hydrometric measurements is an advantage.
- Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)
+ Observe and record interrelations of various water balance components in a small, forested catchment (Rosalia)
+ Apply selected hydrological measurement approaches, including novel methods, and present these
+ Measure and quantify the variability of soil and plant parameters in a selected sub-area of a small watershed
+ Apply the existing hydrometeorological data from the continuous recording measurement network in the Rosalia
+ Evaluate in-situ field measurements, hydrometeorological data, remote sensing data as well as static information (soil maps, DEM, land cover)
+ Analyse the effects of temporal and spatial hydrological variability at different scales
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.