852323 Contemporary urbanism

Lecture and seminar
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Offered in
Sommersemester 2024
Languages of instruction


More than ten years ago, Bernardo Secchi began to portray the radical transformations that many western urban territories and regions faced. His vivid analysis was grounded in the idea that whenever the structure of the economy and society is changing, the urban question comes. Today Secchi's new urban question is not "new" anymore but rather "ongoing". Issues such as climate change, spatial mobility/freedom of movement, and the widening social divide are common, even though the specificity of the various contexts and different forms of urbanisation results in several challenges. In the light of the "ongoing" urban question, the contemporary urbanism course aims to analyse and discuss core issues of current urban planning and design approaches tackling the spatial transformations due to climate change, urbanisation, and the widening of the socio-spatial divide.

Previous knowledge expected

No previous Knowledge is expected

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

By the end of the semester, students should be familiarised with: (1) urban theory and the diverse realm of disciplines that approach the urban; (2) the range of urban conditions existing today and the main challenges faced by cities across the world; (3) different approaches when researching and acting upon (experiencing, planning and designing) the urban; (4) the diverse range of aspects of the urban that can be explored, analysed and discussed (5) different methods of disseminating research content, with an emphasis on digital methods.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.