950402 Seminar AgriGenomics II

Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Leisch, Friedrich , Meszaros, Gabor , Schuhmacher, Rainer , Sölkner, Johann , Steiner, Barbara , Strauss, Joseph , Studt-Reinhold, Lena , Vollmann, Johann , Adam, Gerhard , Bodner, Gernot , Bürstmayr, Hermann , Dohm, Juliane , Forneck, Astrid , Fürst-Waltl, Birgit , Hann, Stephan , Hauser, Marie-Theres , Himmelbauer, Heinz , Keiblinger, Katharina , Kleine-Vehn, Jürgen , Korbei, Barbara
Offered in
Sommersemester 2024
Languages of instruction


The AgriGenomics doctoral seminar series is the core forum for interdisciplinary exchange between the students, the faculty and beyond.
The seminars will be actively co-organised by the students and include presentations of the PhD projects (outlines, progress, obstacles, ...).
Input by faculty members and/or invited speakers as well as journal club sessions.
Discussing topics relevant for the public debate and civil society.

Scheduled presentations:
12. March 2024: Farai MUCHADEYI (IAEA): IAEA/FAO joint division on animal production and health: Projects on animal breeding and genomics
20. June 2024: Tad Sonstegard (ACCLIDEN): Cattle Breeding for the Tropics with Adaptive Genetics

Previous knowledge expected

Sound knowledge in genetics and genomics, basic knowledge in chemistry, bioinformatics, statistics, plant breeding, animal breeding.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

Obtain advanced knowledge on special topics in genetics and genomics.
Improve the ability to independently plan, conduct and defend scientific work (doctoral thesis).
Get support of the PhD projects by mutual information exchange and discussion.
Obtain the skills to interpret and value scientific and further publications in the field genetics and genomics.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.