812026 Ecology and processes of natural river systems

Seminar and field trip
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Meulenbroek, Paul , Graf, Wolfram
Offered in
Sommersemester 2024
Languages of instruction


This SX is for students interested in understanding ecology and processes of large riverine systems. This course includes an introductionary seminar, dealing with the characteristica of natural river systems. It also supports practical developments (organisation of a field campaign abroad). In the field we will focus on 3 scales (river - floodplain - catchment) and 2 biotic groups (benthic invertebrates and fish) in order to understand complex interactions and key parameters in the river systems examined. The longitudinal characteristics of the Vjosa from straight to braided channel form will be analyzed during the excursion.

Course structure
• Seminar: introduction of major concepts for riverine functioning and preparation for the excursion / fieldwork
• Excursion: 5 days excursion to River Vjosa in Albania with intensive field and lab work combined with lectures

Previous knowledge expected

• Students of limnology, ecology, hydrology, forestry and other domains who are interested in natural rivers, their floodplains and surroundings.
• Participants are expected to have potential action research topics of their own interest in mind.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

After successful completion of this course, participants are able to:
• explain key characteristics of a natural river system
• understand key processes of riverine landscapes
• analyse river - floodplain - catchment interaction processes
• identify deficites of central European rivers and develop possible mitigation scenerios
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.