812344 Ecology of fishes
- Type
- Lecture
- Semester hours
- 2
- Lecturer (assistant)
- Friedrich, Thomas , Meulenbroek, Paul , Unfer, Günther
- Organisation
- Offered in
- Wintersemester 2023/24
- Languages of instruction
- Englisch
- Content
Basic fish ecology, physiology, taxonomy; Autecology of: lampreys, sturgeons, pike, mudminnow, burbot, salmoniformes, cyprinids, loaches, catfish, bullhead, sticklebacks, sunfish, percides and gobies.
- Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)
- Explain the life cycles and ecology of European and selected other important fish species;
- Relate fish to habitat categories, river types and eco-regions;
- Apply knowledge of ecology, physiology, and zoogeography of fish to understand aquatic ecosystem functioning.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.