891332 Compulsory internship seminar - wood technology and management
- Type
- Seminar
- Semester hours
- 1
- Lecturer (assistant)
- Organisation
- Offered in
- Wintersemester 2023/24
- Languages of instruction
- Deutsch, Englisch
- Content
§ 7 Internship
The master curriculum “Wood Technology and Management” requests an internship of 3 weeks. This equivalates 3 ECTS. The tasks within the internship have to be assigned to a specific subject of the curriculum. In accordance of the modules selected (due to § 5), the internship should be performed in the surrounding of the management of an enterprise or organisation, in scientific institutes and research and development departments on a national or international level. The internship in enterprises and institutions related to the specific field of the curriculum should develop networks and additional skills in the fields of the potential profession of the graduates.
The internship follows following structure and procedure:
A: The student already has an idea and contacts a company/institution by himself/herself
B: The student has an idea and proposal and contacts Prof. A. Teischinger for further support to find a company/institution. Afterwards the student contacts the company/institution by himself/herself.
Potential time windows for an internship are the summer and easter vacation and the semester break.
For the approval of the internship the students have to give a report in the seminar “Compulsory internship. Wood technology and management”. The report/presentation has to be structured such as:
Outlook of the internship planned – ex ante (EA) presentation (2 minutes, slides according to the current lay-out rules), before the internship starts
Final presentation – ex post (EP) presentation after completing the internship (8 minutes and discusion, slides according current lay-out rules).
Following dates throughout the academic year are to be scheduled:
Beginning of October: EA and EP
Mid of January: EA and EP
Beginning of June: EA and EP
The responsible teacher of the seminar evaluates eligibility of EA and EP and may reject the planned internship or may propose further requirements.
In order to successfully pass the internship including the seminar “Compulsory internship – Wood technology and management” the student has to give the two presentations EA and EP. From starting the master studies until the final presentation the students have to be present at all scheduled dates of the seminar.
- Previous knowledge expected
Contents (expected knowledge)
Ex ante presentation: Company/Institute, what is the scope of the company and institution, address and contact person, planned activities and tasks
Ex post presentation: Company/Institute, what is the scope of the company and institution, address and contact person, summary of activities and tasks performed, highlightening one specific task. What was the benefit of the internship for the company and what was the benefit for himself/herself, resume and recommendations.
- Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)
Objective (learning outcome and competences gained)
Ex ante und ex post coordination and evaluation of the internship planned and internship performed. Discussion within the present students and the chair of the seminar.
Gaining practical experience in industry and/or research institutions and service institutions as well. Deepening theoretical knowledge from studies by applying it in practise.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.