933316 Organic farming and regional development

Project course
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Kirchler, Fabian Wilhelm , Vogl, Christian R.
Offered in
Wintersemester 2023/24
Languages of instruction


Between October 2023 and January 2024, the “European Network of Organic Agriculture University Teachers” (ENOAT), incl. BOKU, will organize a weekly course on organic farming in Europe, featuring organic farming in all those countries, where ENOAT members are active. This will be done in 933.316
Wednesday, 18.10.2023 – end of January 2024
17:00 – 20:15 hrs, only 18.10. start at 16:30 hrs)

25.10., 8.11., 15.11., 22.11., 6.12., 13.12., 20.12.

In presence (Obligatory meetings) at BOKU
18.10. (start at 1630 hrs) & 29.11. (end 21:00 hrs) & 10.1.

Certificate: if min. 80% attendance is given (no drop in / drop off during the weekly online time slots! Camera on!) and tasks are delivered before deadline:
Output 1: Work on an individual student text of 15 pages (one student can select doing an oral online presentation Austria-Hungary and then has to write only 10 pages)

Output 2: Work based on a group effort, to be decided in the first lecture.

Registration obligatory in BOKUonline.
You will learn much about organic farming in Europe, you will meet students and teachers from all the involved countries online and you will extend your organic farming network! A great learning & networking opportunity!

Unit 1.
5.00-6.30pm, Introduction for BOKU students
6.45-8.15pm, Introduction OA in Europe, module organization, Presentation of lecturers and students
Unit 2.
OA in Germany
OA in Poland
Unit 3.
OA in Italy
OA in Slovenia
Unit 4.
OA in Spain
OA in Ukraine
Unit 5.
OA in France
OA in Czechia
Unit 6.
OA in Hungary
OA in Austria
Unit 7.
6.12.23 Student presentations
Comparison Germany-Poland, Italy-Slovenia
Comparison Spain-Ukraine, France-Czechia
Unit 8.
OA in Sweden
OA in Bosnia-Hercegovina
Unit 9.
OA in Latvia
OA in Bulgaria
Unit 10.
10.01.24 PRESENCE AT BOKU Student presentations
Comparison Hungary-Austria, Sweden-Bosnia-H.
Comparison Latvia-Bulgaria
Unit 11.
Not yet fixed Kick off debate end of the semester
Final reflection
In parallel to all the other units:
A. Work on student presentations for 10.1.2024
B: Work on background data collection and editing for student report (group work with individual chapters on topics to be discussed 18.10.2023).

Previous knowledge expected

It is advisable that you bring basic knowledge about organic agriculture and enthusiasm for the topic!

Commitment we expect of the students:
* High interest in the subject of the course
* Regular attendance
* Active participation, engagement & willingness to work in a team
* Capability to self-organization within the group with methods of project management

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

Students are able defining regional development or organic farming and discuss the link between these two concepts.
Students can present examples, where organic farming has an impact on regional development and vice versa.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.