731350 Nature and landscape conservation economics

Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Wytrzens, Hans Karl
Offered in
Wintersemester 2023/24
Languages of instruction


Introductory basics:
•origin, knowledge interests and tasks of the landscape and nature conservation economy
•economy as driving force of environment and landscape change
•economic actors and their influence on nature and landscape

Links between economic theory and nature:
•nature and landscape in the conceptual history of economics
•nature and landscape as economic goods – specific characteristics
•landscape conservation and nature conservation as externalities
•monetarisation of the man-made landscape, internalization of landscape stewardship
• concept of multifunctionality and ecosystem services

Evaluatory aspects:
•aims of nature conservation and sustainable landscape development
•assessment of nature conservation and landscape conservation achievements
•model calculations for the performance of nature and landscape conservation

Political action:
•strategies for coping with landscape and nature conservation conflicts
•good governance for landscape and nature conservation
•the role of agriculture and forestry for nature and landscape conservation
•nature conservation and landscape conservation programs and their background

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

•create an understanding for economic background of the landscape change and the nature conservation
•develop an ability for integrating sustainability, landscape and physical compatibility aspects in the economic calculation
•mediation of practical application possibilities of environmental-economic theories for land-scape protection and nature conservation
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.