852314 Landscape design project

Project course
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Offered in
Wintersemester 2023/24
Languages of instruction


GENERAL: The content of this course is the development of a landscape architectural design with landscaping and vegetation details on the basis of selected open space types (square, park, school open spaces, residential open spaces, etc.) in the form of a project-related elaboration. This comprises the following steps: presentation of the topic, site survey and analysis (inventory analysis) with the resulting graphic implementation of the design proposals (idea, concept, preliminary design, draft) and the development of the relevant basics and details.
The course addresses the design for implementation of green-blue infrastructures and nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation and decentralised green stormwater management and contributes in particular to the Sustainable Development Goals SDG 11, 13 and 15.

WS 2023/24
Until 1953, a wing railway ran from Schützen am Gebirge, past the present site of the Bildhauerhaus, to the quarry in St. Margarethen in Burgenland. To start with, we will spend four days in a block at the Bildhauerhaus in St. Margarethen and search the terrain for traces of this long abandoned, approximately 6 km long railway line; the inventory will be documented and analysed. In a workshop atmosphere, themes and ideas for the landscape architectural interpretation of this railway in the landscape space will be developed on site. After the intensive block at the beginning, a further eight dates will take place during the semester. Concrete landscape architectural designs will be worked out in depth on an individual basis. Final critique and project completion are planned for December.

District Centre Kagran - For the development area District Centre Kagran, around the Viennese Schrödingerplatz, we want to develop design proposals for the area Curiegasse / Schrödingerplatz / Donaustadtstraße / Bernoullistraße.
Based on the 2021 Schrödingerplatz development study, which proposes a development structure and formulates requirements for the open space, the surrounding open spaces are to be designed in a contemporary, climate-friendly, socially inclusive, resilient and characteristic manner. The work will be conceived in teams and individually elaborated.

To enable a project-based module, it is recommended to take one of the below-mentioned courses:
Planting design (852.313)
CAD applied to landscape architecture project (852.309)

Previous knowledge expected

Recommended to have the following courses successfully completed: 852.102, 852.103. 852.104, 852.105, 852.106, 852.107, 852.113, 852.311, 852.112 and 852.300

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

*subject specialization in the field of landscape architecture on the comprehensive implementation of the landscape architectural design , which is executed by way of example and project-related;
*acquired knowledge of graduates include the theoretical discussion of landscape architectural issues and the acts building upon the design process
*Students are able to independently carry out the landscape architectural design in its entire process after completion of the course
*competencies include problem definition , creating the spatial analysis with the consequent written plan and implement the design proposals in the context of landscape architectural design
*draft processes in landscape architecture - to achieve an advanced standard in open space design.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.