815328 Isotope and tracer hydrology
- Type
- Lecture and exercise
- Semester hours
- 2
- Lecturer (assistant)
- De Bastos, Franciele , Stockinger, Michael
- Organisation
- Soil Physics and Rural Water Management
- Offered in
- Sommersemester 2025
- Languages of instruction
- Englisch
- Content
- Basics of environmental and artifical tracers in hydrology (especially isotopes)
- Research and practical applications of isotopes and tracers
- Properties of various tracers
- Basics of isotope hydrology: What are isotopes? What is isotope fractionation? Which isotopes are used in hydrology?
- Focus on the isotopes of water and their spatiotemporal variability in the water cycle
- Analysing tracer data, inlcuding mathematical modeling
- Planing and executing artifical tracer experiments
- Quantifying flow and transport in the hydrological cycle
- Identify water sources, pollutant sources, transformation processes of nutrients and pollutants
- Estimating water age and transit time distributions
- Isotopes and tracer to assess vulnerability of water resources
- hands-on planning, executing and analysing artifical tracer data
(lab experiment; potentially also field experiment)
- gain experience in collecting, preparing, measuring and analysing samples of water isotopes
- Previous knowledge expected
Knowledge in hydrology and soil physics is helpful, but not mandatory
- Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)
- Describe the fundamental principles of isotope hydrology
- Describe the use of stable and radioactive water isotopes in hydrology
- List advantages and disadvantages, and the uses of, artificial tracers in hydrology
- Solve isotope hydrological equations
- Critically discuss a scientific publication related to isotope and tracer hydrology
- Formulation of a conceptual model of water flow and transport processes for a given situation
- Planning and execution of tracer experiments to investigate water flow and transport processes
- Data analysis and interpretation of stable isotope data to solve a hydrological problem
- Present new knowledge and findings to an audience based on a critical reflection
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.