754348 Applied quality management exercises

Exercise course
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Strobl, Martina , Diep, Norbert , Mayr, Thomas , Mayer, Viktoria , Domig, Konrad , Zwirzitz, Benjamin , Bender, Denisse , Dürrschmid, Klaus , Fuhrmann, Philipp Lawrence
Food Science
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


Chemical test methods: Students choose a focus: The chemical characterization of agricultural raw materials using conventional test methods or the identification of functional components using physical-chemical methods. After an (online, BOKU learn) colloquium and registration for a focus (by e-mail, see BOKU learn), an experimental plan is submitted (via Boku learn). The experiments can then be carried out in the laboratory over a period of 3 days. Registration for an appointment takes place via BOKU learn. The example is completed with a report. Appointments for the laboratory are offered throughout the semester (Wednesday-Friday) and can be viewed via BOKUlearn. The maximum number of participants per session is (!) 4 people.

Hygiene test methods: Possibilities and application of common microbiological detection methods for food, as well as the interpretation of the results of the tests. All food tests are carried out based on the specified standards and microbiological guideline and warning values.

Sensory test methods: This unit is carried out in a team of 8 people. The basics of good sensory laboratory practice are applied in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the sensory test methods. Methodological focal points are the application of discriminative tests, descriptive analysis methods and spontaneous hedonic acceptance tests. Multivariate statistical methods are used in data analysis. In addition, personal skills such as working in a team and presentation techniques are practiced.

Physical test methods: This unit is carried out in a team of 8. The focus is on determining physical properties for food quality testing, applying statistical methods and practicing personal skills.

Case Studies: In this exercise unit, preventive quality management techniques are deepened using a practical case study. For example, a process is characterized using the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis. This involves a systematic assessment of possible errors and their causes.

Previous knowledge expected


Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

After successful completion of the course, the students are able to measure the quality of food, based on statistical principles, especially they are familiar with experimental design and multivariate statistics.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.