790112 Biosafety

Lecture and field trip
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Egger, Esther , Gasser, Brigitte
Biotechnology and Food Science
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


The interaction beween biological agents and the host

organism, infection, pathogenicity, virulence, susceptability and

disposition, transmission of infectious diseases, types of epidemic diseases

as well as a brief description of the most important host defense

machanisms, the prohpylaxis and treatment of infectious diseases are

discribed. The technical part of the lecture focusses on the transmission

mechanisms in laboratory and biotechnological production, bio-aerosols,

laboratory and production associated risk, risk analysis, Good Microbial

Practice, safe work procedures and safety related equipment and technical

aspects of sterilisation and decontamination.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

Students are familiar with the basic concepts in the fields of infectious diseases and workers protection. Students can describe the properties of selected pathogens and pathogen related disease symptoms.

Students are familiar with the most important mechanisms of transmission of biological agents and have knowledge of equipment, technics and procedures to interrupt these routes of transmission to ensure the protection of employees and the most commonly used architectural designs and installations to ensure protection of the environment.

Students are familiar with the most import points of access to (web) sources of information with the relevant legal standards and additional information regarding pathogens, vectors used in genetic engineering, classification of biological agents and recommended protective measures.

Students have acquired sufficient knowledge to evaluate typical situations arising from the use of biological agents in laboratories and biotech manufacturing and select the appropriate protective measures. They understand the basic principles of the most important protective measures and commonly used safety equipment.

Students can apply the acquired knowledge to combine protective measures and are able to argue their use towards authorities, experts and laymen.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.