731120 Regional planning/rural development (AS)
- Type
- Lecture
- Semester hours
- 2
- Lecturer (assistant)
- Wytrzens, Hans Karl
- Organisation
- Sustainable Economic Development
- Offered in
- Sommersemester 2025
- Languages of instruction
- Deutsch
- Content
•Spatial planning – purposes, characteristics and methods
•Challenges and professional options in rural development
•Definition of rurality and typology of rural areas (rural areas as an object of policy)
•Framework conditions for rural development (agro-geographical and historical conditions, economic structures, political and juridical conditions)
•Driving forces and theories of land use change
•Levels and institutions of rural development and spatial planning
•Guidelines of general spatial planning relevant for agricultural activities (local development concept, land use and development plan; regional spatial concepts)
•Multifunctionality of rural areas and agriculture
•Sectoral planning (agriculture, forestry, water management, nature conservation, transport)
•Sustainable maintenance of favorable living conditions in rural areas
•Aims of rural policy and rural development strategies (overview and case studies)
•Rural development programmes and case studies
•EU regional policy at a glance (concepts, principles, instruments)
- Previous knowledge expected
Basics of Law and Legislation, Principles of Economics, General Management/Business economics
- Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)
•Create basic knowledge of the rural spatial development and land use dynamics
•Provide practical tools of spatial planning and problem-solving in rural development
•Gain insights into specific problems of rural areas and approaches to coping with them
•Identify how farms are affected by various spatial and rural planning activities
Learning outcomes:
Students who have completed the course are able to
• Understand and analyse conflicts of interest concerning living space and agricultural area,
• Describe and explain how spatially relevant social processes are managed in rural and (sub-)urban contexts,
• Comprehend basic models, theories and concepts of spatial development, critically reflect on them and relate them to the practice of spatial planning and regional management,
• Structure und typify phenomena of the agricultural landscape,
• Correctly use regional science and planning terminology and develop the ability to engage in an interdisciplinary dialogue,
• Appropriately interpret spatial planning documents and critically assess their conformity with legal and technical requirements,
• Identify spatially relevant actors, institutions and their diverse interests and develop conflict resolution proposals,
• Deal with argumentative diversity in land use and development conflicts and create own argumentation patterns,
• Assess specifications of spatial and sectoral planning with regard to their consequences for farm management,
• Detect and evaluate social, egological and economic functions of the agricultural landscape,
• Articulate and present their interests and rights in planning procedures as persons concerned, interpret relevant legal provisions and raise factual arguments,
• Understand current regional policy problems and objectives and make use of (EU) regional policy instruments,
• Appropriately participate in relevant planning and development measures.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.