853327 Nature conservation and cultural significance of vineyard landscapes

Lecture and seminar
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Pachinger, Baerbel , Schedl, Heimo , Kriechbaum, Monika , Schinegger, Rafaela , Brandenburg, Christiane
Landscape Development, Recreation and Conservation Planning
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


The course focuses on the importance of vineyard landscapes for nature conservation as well as on their meaning for tourism and leisure and recreation activities.
Introduction in basics of ecology and nature conservation; presentation of target species relevant for nature conservation in vineyards; overview of habitats and structures relevant for biodiversity in vineyards and their peripheral zones; presentation of the effects of various forms of cultivation on biodiversity (by the example of plants, insects, birds, reptiles); meaning of biodiversity for ecosystem services of vineyard landscapes; presentation of agri-environmental programs and legal frameworks for nature conservation on regional, national and European level (FFH-directive, common agricultural policy,…); presentation of initiatives and options to promote biodiversity in vineyards.
Altogether, the possible structural diversity and biodiversity of vineyards as well as their natural beauty are key prerequisites for touristic initiatives and direct marketing. The course has an emphasis on the responsibility of companies for regional development, leisure and recreational activities, tourism and cultural heritage. Principles of landscape-oriented recreation and tourism planning will be presented. Furthermore, the importance of cooperation with touristic companies and the development of products for the tourism sector will be communicated.


Previous knowledge expected


Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

-know about habitats in vineyards relevant for nature conservation and are competent to identify target species on site
-gain knowledge about the effects of various forms of cultivation on biodiversity and interrelated ecosystem services of vineyards
-know various measures to promote biodiversity in vineyards and their background (legal situation, agri-environmental programs)
-get to know about requirements of recreationists and tourism in landscapes with viniculture
-are able to apply measures for visitor management to secure the continuation of viniculture and to meet the needs of recreationists and tourists
-know the synergies of viniculture and tourism and are able to put them into practice
-have knowledge about the importance of landscape with vineyards for regional development
-know the requirements on recreational infrastructure
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.