852106 Project I in landscape architecture

Project course
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Engl, Rita , Mayer, Barbara , Backhausen-Nikolic, Julia , Zimmermann, Elisabeth , Brandstätter, Barbara , Frosch, Verena , Gröblacher, Hannes , Stauber, Anna , King, Nina
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


Project I in Landscape Architecture applies the basic design principles learned in Course 852103: Design Basics in Landscape Architecture, and tests their spatial expression. The fundamentals of design and an understanding of space for the practice of landscape architecture will be conveyed via individual and group exercises.

Students will develop their own design ideas, communicate them in drawing and physical models, and become acquainted with the vocabulary of landscape architecture. Various creative techniques and tasks on the topics of space, topography, and material direct the students to landscape architectural solutions. The acquisition of graphic tools and skills provides a solid foundation for further design projects, in particular for the subsequent Project II in Landscape Architecture (852107).

Previous knowledge expected

Introduction to Landscape Architecture; Design Basics in Landscape Architecture; Presentation Techniques and Technical Drawing; Technical Drawing

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

In Project I in Landscape Architecture, students develop the competence and skills to implement design operations and recognize and understand the associated spatial implications. Thus, basic knowledge is deepened in conjunction with space and conceptual design. Particular emphasis is given to spatial principles - especially the construction of space - and topography.

Individuals will independently work through a series of defined problems in the context of applied exercises, and learn how to document and present the results clearly and comprehensively.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.