790126 Innovation management

Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Stadler, Manfred
Biotechnology and Food Science
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


1.From the idea to an R&D project
2.Constraints promoting innovation
3.Teams, communication and corporate culture
4.Creativity methods
6.Smarte goals
7.Systematic reporting
8.Business plan
9.IDEO process
10.How to apply successfully for research grants?
11.ABC of business
12.Tactical portfolio management
13.Strategic portfolio management
14.Team work "Management summary of a business plan" as a base for grading

Short description:
Several possibilities will be shown how R&D projects can be efficiently executed beginning with the idea and ending at the final product. Based on practical examples stemming from the 10 year long experience of the lecturer as an evaluator for the FFG and his theoretical background from his MBA studies at Texas A&M University the circumstances leading to success or failure of an R&D project will be shown. The students will receive a set of tools for their future career enabling them to be creative, team oriented and communicative.

Previous knowledge expected

Interest in innovation and minimum skills in business administration

Target group:
Students with technical majors trying to acquire basic skills in business administration as well as the prerequisites for a successful innovation process.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

A higher-ranking objective of this course is to achieve a better understanding of students for the interrelationship between research & development (R&D), innovation and successes and failures in the market. This will be taught based on real business cases from the Austrian Research Promotion Fund and current theories and cases from American management curricula.

After successful completion of this the students can give an overview of critical success factors for the development of new products and services. They are able to explain „hard facts“ like the correct application of proper creativity methods or basic know-how in patenting, and also „soft facts“ like the connection between corporate culture and communication skills for the success of R&D.

A central position within this course is held by the IDEO process which is the leitmotif for a generic innovation process. Students can comprise the individual steps of the method and are able to retrace those steps in their future works. Furthermore, with this basic set of tools in business administration the technically oriented students of BOKU are able to comprehend decisions based on cost accounting.

They will be able to evaluate an innovation process in its entirety tactical and strategic measures based on portfolio management methods and judge top management decisions from the right perspective.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.