951324 International agriculture

Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Neugschwandtner, Reinhard
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


The lecture provides a fundamental understanding of the environmental and socioeconomic basis of international agriculture and related food production systems. The emphasis is on an understanding environment- crop-management interactions underlying adapted cropping systems in different parts of the world.

1st Unit:
Organizational planning

Overview on international agriculture
=> „The yield gap“ – world agricultural production and population growth
=> Key agricultural regions for main food crops
=> Land ownership structure and agricultural production

2nd Unit:
World agro-environmental zones: Climate, soil and crop production
=>Main productivity constraints for world food production

3rd Unit:
Management improvement in international agriculture
=>The upcoming water crisis and water saving irrigation for dry regions
=>No tillage farming for soil fertility
=>Fertilization and the potential of organic agriculture

4th Unit:
FAO strategies for world agriculture
=>Food supply chains: Raising production, supply and income
=>Sustainable intensification: Resources efficiency to solve the yield gap

5th unit
Guest lectures: Examples of specialized farming systems
=>Irrigation management for small scale farmers in Africa
=>Agro-forestry systems in Africa
=>Mixed cropping-livestock systems in the Andean highlands

6th Unit:
Country example: Brasil – between international food power and agricultural poverty
Student presentations

7th Unit:
Country example: India – an example for “take off” from subsistence to world market?
Student presentations


Previous knowledge expected

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

Students will have a general overview on international food production systems, become familiar withFAO strategies for international agriculture and get knowledge on current trends to sustainable management systems.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.