771317 Separation science and mass spectrometry

Lecture and exercise
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Hildebrand, Felina , Fischer, Elisabeth , Causon, Tim , Hann, Stephan , Tchaikovsky, Anastassiya , Boulyga, Sergej
Analytical Chemistry
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


Based on courses in analytical chemistry, modern methods of AC will be presented and discussed. The focus lies on the analytical techniques in laboratories of the Department of Chemistry, namely elemental mass spectrometric methods (ICP-MS) and separation methods coupled to molecular mass spectrometry (GC-MS, LC-MS). Additional contents tackle the topics of cleanroom work, sample preparation, automation and data evaluation, for both targeted and non-targeted approaches. The theoretical part of the course will cover all topics.

The laboratories are visited to meet the instruments, and the students themselves will apply the techniques presented during the lectures in a one week practical course.

Students will be evaluated based on a presentation of a selected topic related to the above programme.

* Metrology, data acquisition, processing and identity confirmation strategies in analytical chemistry
* Hyphenated separation technologies I: LC-MS and mobility separations
* Hyphenated separation technologies II: GC-MS
* Microfluidics I: Automation and sample preparation
* Microfluidics II: Separations
* Contamination control
* Elemental mass spectrometry I: Principles
* Elemental mass spectrometry II: Analysis of isotope ratios using multicollector ICP-MS

Previous knowledge expected

Bachelor knowledge in chemistry and analytical chemistry.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

After completion of the course the students will understand the analytical methods available in the Department of Chemistry. They will be able to interpret scientific literature on separation technologies and mass spectrometry. They will be able to select the most suited analytical workflow to answer an analytical question and to assemble their custom methods for determining different analytes in different matrices.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.