892403 Biomaterials & Biointerfaces

Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Mayer, Herwig , Liebner, Falk , Reimhult, Erik , Gübitz, Georg , Lichtenegger, Helga , Kasper, Cornelia , Oostenbrink, Chris , Ludwig, Roland
Physics and Materials Science
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


In this lecture, an introduction to biomaterials, their interaction with biological tissues and phenomena arising at the interface is given. The following topics are covered:

1) Structural biological tissues from a material point of view: bone, cartilage, collagenous tissues (structure down to the nanometer scale, mechanical properties)
2) Implant materials (metallic implants, ceramics, mechanical properties, degradation – corrosion, fatigue)
3) Biotechnology introduction, tissue engineering, cell culture technologies
4) Novel polymers for tissue engineering, structures, properties and processing
5) Introduction on enzymes, enzymes for functionalization of materials,
6) Heterogenous enzyme kinetics, diffusion, biosensors, immobilized enzymes
7) Molecular simulations, statistical mechanics
8) Colloids and interfaces, biopolymers, biosensing (not enzyme based)

Previous knowledge expected

Master degree, knowledge in physics, chemistry and biology

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

The student will have knowledge about the most important biomaterials used in implantology, tissue engineering and biosensing and will be able to understand interface phenomena arising between biomaterials and biological tissues.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.