854324 Landscape planning II

Lecture and seminar
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Damyanovic, Doris , Gugerell, Katharina , Thaler, Thomas
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction
Deutsch, Englisch


In the Landscape Planning II course, 5 different topics in the broader thematic field of landscape planning are explored in depth, debated and individually reflected on by the students in essays and seminar papers.

Topics will be announced around Christmas break

Format: each thematic block is introduced by a short input lecture; students must read and prepare journal articles (written in English) in preparation for the unit. In the unit, the articles are discussed and further analysed in different group formats (group work). Short seminar papers and essays are to be written at an individual level.

Compulsory attendance and an immanent examination format. One unit can be missed. If the course is not completed, it must be repeated as a full course.

The course is offered in German/English. English-speaking students are welcome. Seminar papers/group work can also be carried out in English.

Previous knowledge expected

Basic knowledge of landscape planning instruments and sound knowledge of different theoretical approaches to landscape.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

Students are familiar with advanced topics related to landscape planning and landscape governance

Theoretical consolidation of more detailed specialised topics and improved knowledge of academic discourses

Reading, preparing and discussing academic articles and their written reflection in seminar papers
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.