852316 Global design studio

Project course
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Prager, Ina , Stecher, Emilie , Furlan, Cecilia
Landscape Architecture
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


Implementing a circular economy in cities and landscapes has been proposed by policymakers as a potential solution for achieving sustainability in the construction sector. One strategy that has gained interest from policymakers and companies is developing “circular construction hubs”: locations that collect, store, and redistribute waste as secondary resources. However, there is limited understanding of social, economic and spatial contexts., identifying the spatial parameters that could affect the locations of hubs now and in the future. Building on landscape architecture analysis and design methods such as
mapping and systemic design, the course aims to provide insight to the students on urban landscape design’s capacity to reframe questions stemming from the circular economy and urban metabolism through the mapping of wood flow movement and the production of future scenario on location of circular hubs for wood and timber material. The construction of the scenario would allow students to identify spatial parameters and types of circular hubs.

Using the Flanders and Specifically the Antwerp region’s transition into a circular economy as a design exercise, the course suggests that urban landscape design’s constructivist approach has the potential to embed social and eco-
nomic dimensions when applied to material flows and the definition of circular hubs. The course will organised in a workshop setting hosted in Antwerp for 7 days (travelling included). Travelling is obligatory.

Tasks of the Design workshops in Antwerp
- on site survey and analysis
- analysis of material flows and circular hubs
- scenario construction concept and responding to current challenges

- two preparatory meetings in Vienna/on-line in March/April (to be announced)
- Design workshop in Antwerp: May, 2 to 6, 2025 (travelling)



Previous knowledge expected

Students must have design experience on urban and object level. Skills in drawing and visualisation are prerequisites. They must be on a master level. For BOKU students the following mastercourses are prerequisites:

852.314 - Objektplanerisches Projekt
852.113 - CAD-Projekt
852.318 - Landschaftsarchitektur II
855107 - Introduction to urbanism (recommended)
852006 - Contemporary Urbanism (recommended)
852.315 - Theorie und Methodik zur Landschaftsarchitektur (recommended)

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

Strengthen design competence, applying different methods of site reading and interpretation; Students will learn how to use scenario construction for negotiations with stakeholders, will be able to compare different spatial qualities of the circular transition, and will gain a different perspective on the role of landscape architects through the experience in the Belgium context.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.