970406 Annual retreat AgriGenomics

Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Michel, Sebastian , Steininger-Mairinger, Teresa , Griesser, Michaela , Wieczorek, Krzysztof , Michlmayr, Herbert , Luschnig, Christian , Oburger, Eva , Stöger, Eva , Bodner, Gernot , Adam, Gerhard , Bürstmayr, Hermann , Dohm, Juliane , Forneck, Astrid , Fürst-Waltl, Birgit , Hann, Stephan , Himmelbauer, Heinz , Keiblinger, Katharina , Korbei, Barbara , Meszaros, Gabor , Schuhmacher, Rainer , Sölkner, Johann , Steiner, Barbara , Strauss, Joseph , Vollmann, Johann
Biotechnology in Plant Production
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


2-3 days retreat at an external place, February 2021 (details pending)
Evaluation of the previous year of the DocSchool AgriGenomics.
Presentations by all faculty.
Presentations by all students.
Feedback and input by advisory board.
Updating boards and committees, as needed.
Planning of AgriGenomics activities for the coming year.

Previous knowledge expected

Sound knowledge in genetics and genomics, basic knowledge in chemistry, bioinformatics, statistics, plant breeding, animal breeding.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

Obtain advanced knowledge on special topics in genetics and genomics.
Improve the ability to independently plan, conduct and defend scientific work (doctoral thesis).
Obtain skills and confidence in discussing scientific topics.
Get support of the PhD projects by mutual information exchange and discussion.
Obtain the skills to interpret and value scientific and further publications in the field genetics and genomics.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.