870305 Structural exercises
- Type
- Exercise course
- Semester hours
- 4
- Lecturer (assistant)
- Organisation
- Offered in
- Sommersemester 2025
- Languages of instruction
- Englisch
- Content
Course 870.305 “Structural Exercises“ (StE) is offered at the Department of Civil Engineering and Natural Hazards and is generally related to a specialization in “Mountain Risk Engineering” (MRE).
(For a specialization in “Water Management and Engineering” see course 810.301.)
StE are team and project work with engineering as well as design parts, including i.e. calculations, dimensioning, conceptual designs, and plans. (Note: StE are not meant to be a scientific work like a term paper or a master thesis.) It is recommended that students work together in groups of two (max. three) students.
Topics and working tasks are defined by one or two supervisor(s). StE can also be accomplished in an interdisciplinary way. In that case two supervisors from different working fields are involved, of which one leading supervisor coordinates the work in accordance with the other supervisor.
--- How to find a topic! ---
1)At the beginning of a term several topics are provided online on BOKUlearn, where students can choose and register for a topic.
Note: It is necessary to register for this course at BOKUonline to get access to the course page on BOKUlearn!
2)Students can also contact a (leading) supervisor and agree upon an individual topic. In that case it is necessary to report relevant information (topic, name of supervisor(s), specialization, and name of students) to the coordinator!
For questions please contact the coordinator:
Reinhard Nolz (reinhard.nolz@boku.ac.at)
- Previous knowledge expected
Preconditions for the attendance (i.e. completed courses) may be assigned by the supervisor(s).
- Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)
Acquiring and collecting relevant data, and selecting and applying adequate methods in order to find solutions for given (interdisciplinary) project tasks;
Calculating, dimensioning, and designing of technical facilities;
Evaluating optional results
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.