734167 Business economics
- Type
- Lecture and exercise
- Semester hours
- 4
- Lecturer (assistant)
- Biewald, Andreas Robert , Miskulnig, Lea , Scheichel, Eva , Hirsch, Patrick , Hesse, Maximilian , Gronalt, Manfred
- Organisation
- Production and Logistics
- Offered in
- Sommersemester 2025
- Languages of instruction
- Deutsch
- Content
Subject of business administration
- Needs, goods and production factors
- Economic units
- Reference groups of a company
- Value creation, value chain and operational sales process
- Concept of management
Environmentally oriented business administration
Legal forms of companies
Planning and decision-making
- Fundamentals of planning
- Models and modeling
- Deterministic optimization model (basic models)
- Decisions under certainty, risk and uncertainty
- Multi-level decisions
Materials management and logistics
- Basic concepts
- ABC and XYZ analysis
- Forecasting methods
- Classic order quantity model
Investment and financing
- Basic terms
- Assessment of individual investments: static and dynamic
- Decision on the optimum useful life
- Consideration of uncertainty in the data
- Financial planning
Project planning
- Network planning technique
- Capacity analysis
Corporate management
- Process and organizational structure
- Controlling
Applied quantitative methods (excerpt):
Key figure calculation (Du-Pont scheme), profitability and productivity, LP modeling and graphical solution, Knapsack problem, transportation problem, methods for decision under risk (e.g. semi-variance method), methods for decision under uncertainty (e.g. Hurwicz method), utility analysis, Promethee method, ABC analysis, moving average method, exponential smoothing, EOQ model, share price calculation, static investment calculation (e.g. amortization period), dynamic investment calculation (e.g. annuity method), break-even analysis, network planning technique, etc.
- Previous knowledge expected
Mathematical and statistical knowledge at Matura level
- Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)
After completing the course, students will be able to
- name and describe the main legal forms, the basic functions and the target system of companies
- compare these with the requirements of ecological and social sustainability
- understand basic operational decision-making situations and planning problems
- create basic concepts for sustainable corporate management and operational value creation
- independently formulate and solve simple business management planning models.
- explain and present business management content.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.