856315 Minor rural roads

Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Haslehner, Wolfgang
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


Introduction: terms and definitions; importance of road construction in rural areas; some statistics. Planning and construction: general road development planning; initiating planning procedures; political and finacial support of new road construction (prioritisation); stages in the construction process; appropriate environmental design and construction practices; sensitive incorporation of roads into the landscape (bioengineering, landscaping). Planning and content of a construction project: road construction planning in rural areas; stages in project development; terrain-oriented road location ("the zero line location method"), careful examination of alternatives, ecological impact on the landscape. Fundamentals of construction: road alignement (horizontal, vertical), design parameters for rural roads (minimum horizontal radius, maximum superelevation, maximum gradient, minimum crest radius), cross section (road function - road width), junctions in the rural road network (crossroads and T-junctions); road bends - definition, basic principles, types of bends, construction elements. Pavement design structure; the demands of traffic and climate; different types of pavement; measuring the bearing capacity of rural roads; determining thickness of layers, maintenance - reinforcement of pavements. Maintaining the rural road network and planning maintenance activities: terms and definitions; legislative background, obligations (legal responsibilities); maintenance management. Maintenance management for rural roads in Austria: procedures in the individual regions, overview and comparsion.

Previous knowledge expected

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

The aim of these lectures is to teach students the basic principles of road construction in rural areas. Specific topics covered include awareness of the rural landscape in road construction, minimising landscape loss, raising awareness of the functions of roads in rural areas, interdisciplinary approaches for identifiying potential areas of conflict between nature / landscape protection and the construction of small roads (design, construction, integration), introduction to the special nature of road management in rural areas.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.