733123 Farm business management and sustainability

Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Schaller, Lena Luise
Agricultural and Forestry Economics
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


The sustainable use of ecological resources by agriculture is becoming increasingly important, especially against the backdrop of advancing climate change, ongoing biodiversity loss, and increasing water scarcity and soil degradation. Accordingly, the demands on the management of agricultural enterprises, which have to adapt to changing economic, agricultural policy and ecological conditions, are also increasing.

Existing economic data bases, analysis and planning tools must be further developed, and the analysis and evaluation of relevant sustainability indicators must become an integral part of agricultural business management. The major aim of this course is therefore for students to learn the basics of sustainability-oriented business development already in their bachelor studies.

The contents of the course "Farm business management and sustainability" focuses on the analysis of how entrepreneurial adaptations to changing ecological, social and economic conditions affect the economic and ecological performance of farms, and how sustainability requirements can be optimally integrated into business management.

Teaching method will be carried out in a research-led manner, teaching contents are supported by selected and practical research examples.

Previous knowledge expected

Student must be able to follow the lecture in English, no other pre-knowledge necessary

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

Upon completion of this course, students are able to:

> name and explain the basic terminology and concepts in the context of farm business management and sustainability
> list and describe the basic agricultural ecosystem services and present an overview on the situation in Austria
> identify and interpret farm related sustainability information from farm (accounting) data
> illustrate, explain and contrast principle farm sustainability assessment systems (e.g. KSNL, DLG sustainability standard, SMART, RISE, REPRO, etc.)
> demonstrate and evaluate potential farm performance impacts of an integration of sustainability objectives into farm business management strategies
> assess and critically discuss drivers and barriers for an improved integration of sustainability goals into farm business management
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.