833013 Biodiversity and ecology of selected animal groups

Exercise and field trip
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Landler, Lukas , Walcher, Ronnie
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


In an introductory course, students learn to identify several selected animal groups (for this season: amphibians, snails, bugs and grasshoppers). After this introductory part students form small groups (2-4 students), each group specializing on one of the presented animal groups. In the following field part, the focus is on the comparison of near-natural habitats and those influenced by humans (comparison of the Vienna Lobau and the Danube Island). The students consider feasible survey methods for their animal group and specific questions. The students evaluate their surveys under expert supervision and present their results to the other students.

Previous knowledge expected

None, except interest in ecology and zoological diversity.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

Students are expected to acquire knowledge of the diversity of animal appearances and distribution in the Viennese area. They work out the principles of ecological concepts in the field of biodiversity, landscape use and species distribution.
Students will be able to identify species within the selected animal group, to survey diversity and to present the results in a scientific form.
These skills are the basis for projects in the field of natural conservation. Species knowledge is a prerequisite for assessing environmental impact. In general, the knowledge of the diversity of forms creates an increased readiness for ecological action or interest in the environment.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.