853105 Fundamentals of GIS in landscape planning

Lecture and exercise
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Haselberger, Stefan , Auhser, Alexander , Greiler, Julian Simon , Doublier, Daniel , Rein-Baumeister, Johannes , Schieferle, Amelie , Wiesenhofer, Florian , Wittmann, Elisabeth , Popp, Stephanie , Prinz, Martin , Hainz-Renetzeder, Christa , Taczanowska, Karolina , Gruber, Georg , Rehberger, Oliver
Landscape Development, Recreation and Conservation Planning
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


In seven classroom sessions (five in the case of block courses) you will receive an introduction to the world of geographic information systems (GIS) and their application, particularly with regard to landscape planning issues. Practical work is learned with the QGIS software (https://qgis.org/de/site/).
In addition to the classroom sessions, a tutorial is also available.
Basic knowledge of data collection and processing, storage, analysis and presentation of spatial data in GI systems.
Learning the practical operation of GIS software using QGIS as an example Getting to know the basic functions.

Previous knowledge expected

IT Tools: the basic handling of the computer and the operating system (Windows/MacOS including data management (e.g. creating folders, unzipping files) must be learned/skilled independently by the start of the course, e.g:
- safe handling of computers in general and common (MS Office) applications in particular
- BOKUlearn platform with all its possibilities
- [ev various cloud solutions of BOKU-IT (e.g. online storage space)].

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

What you will be able to do and know after the course:
- Basic principles of computational thinking and geographic information systems (GIS) in landscape planning
- Familiarisation with spatial issues within landscape planning
- Basic knowledge of data collection and processing, storage, analysis and presentation of geographical data in GIS
- Teaching the importance of free data (Open Data, Open Government Data) and free software (Open Source) for the processing of spatial issues.
- Introduction to the cartographic visualisation of spatial data.
- Teaching the basics of landscape planning analysis methods using GIS software
- Practical application of GIS software in the context of independent development of spatial issues and tasks.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.