731401 Integrated land use modelling

Lecture and seminar
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Mitter, Hermine , Schönhart, Martin , Kirchner, Mathias , Schmid, Erwin
Sustainable Economic Development
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


•Basic concepts of integrated land use modelling
oIntroduction to integrated land use modelling
Model types, research aims and contexts
Typical structure of integrated quantitative land use studies
Model linkages and interfaces: bio-physical simulation models, bottom-up land use optimization models, PE, CGE, I/O models, etc.
Impact chains in land use models
oScenario development
Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs),
Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs)
Price, market, policy forecasts/projections/baselines
oTools and concepts to facilitate integrated land use model development
Generic model development
Organization of data transformation, processing and model integration
Concept of homogenous response units
Linking and analysing bio-physical and economic land use data
oIntegrated land use indicators
Economic indicators
Biotic and abiotic environmental indicators
Biodiversity assessment
Landscape assessment
Ecosystem service indicators
•Stakeholder participation in land use modelling
oTransdisciplinary theory
oStakeholder communication
•Applied land use model building and analysis with GAMS
oExamples of land use models at different scales
Field, farm and landscape modelling
Regional to global land use modelling
oUse of grid-computing facilities
•Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis
oBasic concepts of uncertainty in quantitative land use modelling
oMonte Carlo Simulation
oSurface Response Function Estimation
oScientific paper preparation

Previous knowledge expected

Basics in GAMS, R, mathematical programming, regression analysis, and scientific writing.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

The module aims at strengthening skills in advanced land use optimization modelling by integrating disciplinary concepts, data, methods and scenarios. The students shall be able to build bottom-up land use optimisation models at farm to landscape scale as well as at regional to global scale and to perform integrated impact analysis of climate change, trade, and policy on agricultural land use, production and environment.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.