737331 Long-term socio-ecological research in the Anthropocene

Lecture and seminar
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Gingrich, Simone
Social Ecology
Offered in
Sommersemester 2025
Languages of instruction


This course introduces different material interactions of societies with their environments in the past, focusing on the period since c. 1800. For processes such as material use, energy use, and land use, we will discuss sources and methods available to studying these interactions and explore the types of research questions that can be addressed with specific approaches.
The course is structured in two parts: In the first part of the semester, students are introduced to topics and approaches in material environmental history and long-term socio-ecological research. In five units, they read and discuss introductory texts to specific topics and methodological approaches, and are introduced to research examples by the teacher. In the second part, students work in groups to develop a research project on a topic of their choice, based on resources provided in the course.

Previous knowledge expected

Basic knowledge of (environmental) history and social ecology is advantageous and desirable; a strong interest in wanting to learn from the past is indispensable.
This course is aligned with VS 737334 Society, culture, and politics in historical transformations, and should be attended in the same semester

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

After successful completion of the course, participants:
- know major approaches to material environmental history and long-term socio-ecological research
- have an overview over important methods of these approaches, including historical environmental accounting, historical GIS…, and source types like historical statistics and maps
- know how to develop small interdisciplinary research projects in long-term socio-ecological research, including the relevant historical sources and methods.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.