752342 Quality control and analysis in winemaking - practices
- Type
- Lecture and exercise
- Semester hours
- 2
- Lecturer (assistant)
- Mandl, Karin , Philipp, Christian
- Organisation
- Food Technology
- Offered in
- Wintersemester 2024/25
- Languages of instruction
- Deutsch
- Content
microbiological processes, Koch'sches plate method, dilution series, microscopy, DNA purification, PCR;
RT-PCR, ATP measurement method, squeeze method, air sampling
independent full analysis (sugar, alcohol, SO2, titr . acid, liq. acid...) a wine, interpretation of the results in terms of quality and marketability, necessary information on the label.
Instrumental Analysis: GC, GC - MS (flavorings, pesticides...); HPLC (phenols, acids, preservatives...), AAS, ICP (minerals...)
Special analysis: metals - blue fining; Phenols (photometry), sugar (enzymology)
- Previous knowledge expected
- Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)
The students are able to
…. determine the essential parameters of a wine with the help of official analysis rules autonomously and evaluate the marketability, designation of conformity, stability and quality, as well as derive technological recommendation
... discuss microbiological measures to emphasize the typicality, regionality, diversity of wines and perform accompanying analytical control.
... perform molecular biological and biochemical methods for the determination and characterization of micro-organisms on grapes and wine under guidance and discuss their properties and results
... perform and interpret essential analytical methods for determining the quality of wine phenolic independently
... describe the importance of metals and minerals for the quality, typicality and stability of wine and perform the method for determining a fining demand or to reduce an elevated metal contents (blue fining) theoretically and practically in the laboratory.
... describe and present modern instrumental analytical methods for the determination of aromatic substances, minerals, nitrogen compounds, see the methods in practice and talk with the analysts on the practical implementation.
... describe the sensory characteristics of wines autonomously, assess their quality and typicality, and in case of faults recommend measures to improve quality.
... evaluate methods of analysis in terms of OIV standards.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.