875311 Structural design

Lecture and exercise
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Bergmeister, Konrad , Hron, Johannes , Stierschneider, Elisabeth
Structural Engineering
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


Basic design principles, calculation, design and dimensioning of special structures, e.g. tank constructions
1.) Tank types – general principles
2.) Tanks made from steel and reinforced concrete
3.) Structural design and constructive formation details

Shell structures
1.) Shell structures – general principles
2.) Cylindrical shells
3.) Structural design and constructive formation details

Bridge support structures
1.) Bridge systems – general principles
2.) Modelling in bridge construction
3.) Structural design and constructive formation details

Dynamical earthquake stresses in engineering structures and specific design and dimensioning principles

Previous knowledge expected

The course requires basic understanding of the scientific foundations of the Bachelor’s program, and in particular basic knowledge of:
(a) Mechanics,
(b) Structural analysis and strength of materials,
(c) Mechanics,
(d) Construction of beam structures and
(e) Construction of shell structures.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

Students will acquire the following skills with regard to the special structures presented above:
(a) To understand, interpret and assess their statical and mechanical properties and functions,
(c) to combine the relevant findings into the design, dimensioning and constructive detailing of a structural component
(d) to join knowledge gained in the current course and its accompanying courses within the bachelor program for a structural design plan, a general project, the associated cost estimation and the assessment of the environmental compatibility.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.